10 Must-Have eCommerce website Features — Argos Infotech

Argos Infotech
2 min readJun 3, 2019

When building an eCommerce website, there are some features that aren’t optional. eCommerce websites have become relatively standardized, to the point where customers expect certain features.
Here are ten of the most important features to add to your site.

  1. Integrated social media and sharing. Let your customers do some of the work for you. By integrating social media accounts and providing sharing options, you can encourage your customers to share products that they like.
  2. Embedded metrics. For your eCommerce site to be effective, you need to be able to track the activity on the site. Track the amount of time visitors spend on your site, where they go, how long they linger, and where they stop on the sales funnel.
  3. Responsive mobile design. With the increased popularity of AMP Mobile, responsive design is about more than just making sure a site is mobile-friendly. It also has to be mobile-optimized and fast.
  4. A live chatroom. What if a customer has a question? With a live chatroom, they can ask that question immediately… and you can secure a sale. Live chatrooms have become a popular alternative to an in-store service representative.
  5. Deal and discount banners. Regular discounts encourage customers to immediately commit. After all, they don’t want to miss a one-off sale. Add sales and discounts to a banner above your site, to make sure it doesn’t go unnoticed.
  6. User-generated content. User-generated content such as ratings and reviews make customers feel more secure about purchasing. They want to see that the website is being transparent about the quality of their products.
  7. Wishlists and likes. What if a customer can’t make a purchase now, but wants to later? Wishlists and likes encourage customers to create an account and save items for their next paycheck. With email integration, you can even send them emails whenever there’s a deal on their wish list products.
  8. Related items and suggestions. Studies have shown that displaying similar and related items can encourage a sale. If a customer is interested in one product, they may also be looking for a similar one — or they may just want to see a variety of other options.
  9. Full email integration. Your website should request an email address as early on in the sign-up process as possible, for the purposes of sending out newsletters. Newsletters encourage customers to revisit a site, but you do need to make sure you have permission to send newsletters first.
  10. Abandoned cart reminders. If a customer adds items to their cart and then abandons their cart, they should be reminded that they still have items present. This will remind them to come back. You can also offer a discount on shipping or a discount on the products, to sweeten the pot.

Originally published at https://www.argosinfotech.com on June 3, 2019.



Argos Infotech

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